People With Whom We've Worked. . .
Nancy interacts with Pavarotti; he presented a concert for the Pittsburgh Opera to celebrate
the opening of the Benedum Center in 1987. Previously, Nancy was the Director of Development for the Pittsburgh Opera.
Chuck Colson
Nancy worked closely with Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, when
she served in the 1990s on the state board of Prison Fellowship and in the 200s a fundraising consultant for Prison Fellowship.
Ken Blanchard
Nancy learned about business and leadership from Ken Blanchard, author of "The One Minute Manager" and “Lead Like Jesus!”
Billy Graham
Billy Graham with his BGEA 1993 Evangelistic Crusade in Pittsburgh. Nancy Lee Cochran is four people to the right of Billy in the blue suit. Nancy served on the Executive, Women's and Finance Committees for the Crusade. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!